1- TWA entrance,: 4x5 film B/W , front street-side entrance looking north, silver & digital b/w prints.

2- TWA foot : Digital image converted to b/w, top of image is the
rain spout (scupper) at front of terminal building.

3- Front Entry: 4x5 film B/W, close-up front street-side entrance looking north, silver & digital b/w prints.

4- Front-Airtrain view: 35mm color slide converted to b/w, closest view to simulate Ezra Stoller’s front shot, here the bus-stop canopy blocked the view.

5- Rain Scupper: 4x5 film B/W, street front, close up view where the rain on the roof spills down from into
a grill in the ground, silver & digital b/w prints.

6- Rain Scupper w/ ice: Digital converted B/W, street front,
close up view where the rain on the roof spills down from into
a grill in the ground, in background is the Info Kiosk and the center clock.

7- Front Roof: Digital telephoto view as seen from the Air Train tower roof, next door

8- Ariel view: 4x5 archival film, view from top of AirTrain roof.